
What Sets CCS Apart?

In 1975, after viewing the film "The Burning Hell," I received Christ as my Saviour. Soon after, I attended Bible college and seminary. In 1983, along with several families, the Lord enabled us to start Calvary Independent Baptist Church in Enfield, NH. Since then, I have received two earned doctorates from Emmanuel Baptist Theological Seminary in Newington, CT. Although there have been many milestones in my life, the most important milestone was when I received Christ and He changed my life.

Over the years, the Lord has brought many circumstances into my life and used these situations to better equip me for the task of running CCS and pastoring CIBC of Plymouth, Tilton, and Lebanon. I thank the Lord for all that He has done in me and through me since 1975.

Up until 2007, I was a part-time teacher in the school, while at the same pastoring Calvary Independent Baptist Church of Lebanon. However, with Pastor Anderson’s homegoing in April of 2007, I added the duties of being the principal as well as being the pastor of Calvary Independent Baptist Churches of Plymouth and Tilton. It has been a busy time in my life, but one of my favorite verses says, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthened me” (Philippians 4:13). As I have looked to the Lord, He has strengthened me in a wonderful way.

It is my desire that students of Calvary Christian School look to the Lord as well. First and foremost, students need to look to the Lord for salvation. Isaiah 45:22 says, “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." A person needs to look to the Lord to be saved. Looking to baptism, looking to a church, looking to sacraments, or looking to good deeds will never save. Jesus is the only Savior. He came to this earth, was nailed to the cross, shed His blood, died for our sins, was buried, and rose again. No one else ever did this. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). It is our goal to point students and their parents to look to Jesus for salvation from sin and hell.

Second, after salvation students need to look to the Lord in order to please Him with their lives. The Bible, in speaking to those who are saved, says, “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (I Corinthians 6:20). God expects students to work hard, to do their best, to be responsible, to be respectful, and to accept correction. We have a fine faculty and a fine curriculum both of which help to point students to Jesus.

Admittedly, Calvary Christian School is not for everybody; but if you are looking for a school that has a committed faculty, that has good academics, that teaches respect and values, that seeks to honor the Lord Jesus Christ, then give us a call. We would be glad to meet with you and discuss the possibilities with you.


Calvary Christian School was established in 1976 by Calvary Independent Baptist Church of Plymouth, NH. The purpose of CCS is to provide Christian education by integrating Biblical principles throughout the curriculum. The goal of the administration and faculty is to see the student body develop spiritually as well as academically. It is the intent of the school to instil in every student honesty, integrity, loyalty, and patriotism.

CCS offers classes from kindergarten at ages four and five through the twelfth grade. We use A Beka Book curriculum as a basis throughout the school. Our students have a history of placing among the highest national test score averages. A large percent of our graduates also go on to attend four year Christian colleges.

CCS draws students from all over central New Hampshire. Currently, limited transportation options are available to transport students to and from Tilton each day with stops in New Hampton and Ashland along I-93. All students coming to CCS from those localities may be eligible for transportation.

Elementary Education

The elementary program for Calvary Christian School provides the student with a solid foundation in the three major areas of academics: reading, writing, and arithmetic. Each year progressively builds upon the previous year allowing your child to excel. On the average, our elementary students are a year ahead of their peers from other schools. Well before the sixth grade, each student can read just about anything; has mastered addition, subtraction, multiplication, and long division; and has diagrammed sentences and written his own compositions.

CCS's elementary program enjoys a low student to teacher ratio, comfortable classrooms, and a traditional learning environment. The strong phonics curriculum and emphasis on reading, writing, and arithmetic will give your child an edge over his or her peers.

Every elementary student also receives music instruction and technique. This basic music instruction includes choral, theory, and some instrumental instruction. A couple of times each year, the students have the opportunity to display their skills in various school programs.

High School Education

CCS continues its commitment to high-quality education throughout the high school years. High school begins in the 7th grade for CCS students; however, it is not until the 9th grade that the student begins specific preparation for graduation and entrance into college.

Standard high school classes that CCS students take each year include Bible, English, Literature, History, Mathematics, Science, Choral, and Physical Education. Other more concentrated classes include Algebra I and II, Biology, Chemistry, Geometry, and Physics. A student must earn a minimum of 20 credits in order to be considered eligible for graduation. For more detailed information, please contact CCS and ask for our handbook.